Growing in Faith

teacher_gscs  Teacher99

Rooted - The Jesse Tree

We start each class with a prayer.

I collect the Harwood Journal every week or 2 weeks and the Growing in Faith at the end of the term.

Harwood Mysteries 

-Listening to/Reading to the 2 novels (Shadow in the Dark, audio files) (The Haunted Cathedral, audio files)

-Journal Writing

You need a ‘Harwood Journal’ (spiral notebook, or duo-tang with lined paper). Enter 6 lines in ‘Harwood Journal’ each week, which includes the date + a Catholic connection. This homework is due on the following day. Leave your journal in my basket.

4 = 8 + lines double spaced +Catholic connection

3 = 6-7 lines double spaced +Catholic connection

2 = 4-5 lines double spaced and or no Catholic connection

1 =  0 - 3 lines and or no Catholic connection

-Visual representation projects (Tea at the Abbey)


Growing in Faith (Online textbook)


-Take Weekly Notes with date of entry.

-Participate in small and large group discussions

-Participate in other activities

-Take short quizzes

Catholic Social Teaching

Other Resources on Catholicism

3 Youths in the fiery furnace


Saints in Kahoot

(Calendar of Saints)


-Prepare a Kahoot on about 6-8 Saints

-Teams of 3 or 4 students

-Each Saint’s feast should land on a Group member’s birthday (2 Saints per birthday)

-Present answers to 5Ws for each of the 6-8 Saints,

-Try to include an icon or picture of each Saint

-Ask 1-2 questions max for each of the Saints presented

-Mention the websites you used at the end



  Who – Original Name; Saint Name; family members and history; occupation

  When – Century; Birth; Death; Feast (connection with Group member’s birthday)

  Where – Continent; Country; Province; City, etc.

  What/Why – What miracle is s/he known for; Patron Saint of; Historical events



Write down the name of each Group members + date + one element of answer for each Saint.


Helpful links for the Kahoot (Saints before 800 AD.)